Wedding Photographer


I love writing, I used to write a diary every night before bed as a teenager, then as an adult a journal, list making and jotting down random ideas and thoughts. Somewhere along the way life got busy and the writing stopped and I didn't even give it a second thought.  

I have been thinking about all the things I want to share with you all as a part of Aria Photography.  Some helpful advice, all the normal handy tricks that will help you with your wedding planning and specifically wedding photography, wedding images we have captured of course, but I want to share more. 

Recently I shared an image on Facebook that featured a shot as I was taking it and the image we actually captured(see below). I was trying to show the difference between what most people see and what we see as photographers with our creative eye.  I was shocked that this went more viral than some other shots, I love the image on the right, of Michelle and Aleks on their wedding day.  We shot this in a tiny birch forest many people would have simply walked past, a construction site on one side, carpark on the other, just 3 mts wide. Capturing these shots are just part of what I do at a wedding that I don't think twice about.  It made me realise you want to hear the REAL stuff, the stories behind images and people. There are so many stories that most of the time never get told and I realise I have so many from last season so I will be randomly sharing those as we share our new work too.

So, welcome and I hope you enjoy our blog and a little insight into what we do.  As the new season approaches I will be writing and sharing more, hope you visit and please let me know your thoughts in the comments section. Writing is one thing but conversations are fun and if you know me you know I love a good chat!

Peace out. Sharne x
